
Academic team

林金明 Jin-Ming LIN

职位 教授,博士生导师 Tel Tel: 86-10-62792343
MAIL Email: jmlin@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

林金明Jin-Ming LIN



Tel: 86-10-62792343

Email: jmlin@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

1984年本科毕业,1992-2002年在日本留学和工作,1997年3月获得日本东京都立大学工学博士学位,同年留校任教。2000年入选中国科学院“百人计划”,受聘中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员,博士生导师。2001年获得国家杰出青年科学基金,2004年入选清华大学“百人引进”,2008年受聘教育部长江特聘教授。现为清华大学化学系教授,兼任中国化学会监事会监事、中国分析测试协会常务理事。Trends in Analytical Chemistry责任编辑,J. Pharm. Anal.、Luminescence、及《中国化学快报》副主编,Talanta、Anal. Chim. Acta等10多种国内外杂志编委。目前主要研究内容有微流控细胞分析、空气负离子制备与检测方法、化学发光分析、分析仪器关键部件的研发与应用。已发表研究论文400余篇,出版《化学发光基础理论与应用》、《化学发光免疫分析》、《环境、健康与负氧离子》、《Microfluidics for Single-Cell Analysis》、《Cell Analysis on Microfluidics》及其中文版《微流控芯片细胞分析》等专著5部,《基础分析化学实验》教科书1部。

Prof. Dr. Lin received his BA degree in 1984. He had studied and worked at Tokyo Metropolitan University since 1992 to 2002 and received a PhD degree at 1997. He is currently a full professor of Tsinghua University. He is a member of Supervisor Committee of Chinese Chemical Society, a member of General Council of China Association for Instrumental Analysis. Prof. Lin is a contributing editor of Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Elsevier), associate editors of Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (Elsevier), Luminescence (Willy) and Chinese Chemical Letter(CCS), editorial boards of five international and seven national journals. He received several awards for his contributions in chemiluminescence and separation science. His current research is focused on chemiluminescence, microfluidic devices for cell analysis, and negative air ions.


1)Lin JM, Editor, Microfluidics for Single-cell Analysis, Springer, 2019

2)ZhangQ, Feng S, Li W, Xie T, Zhang W,Lin JM*,In situ stable generation of reactive intermediates by open microfluidic probe for subcellular free radical attack and membrane labeling,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021,60,https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202016171.

3)Li W, Khan M,Lin L*, Zhang Q, Feng Q,Zengnan Wu Z, Lin JM*,Monitoring H2O2on the surface of single cells with liquid crystal elastomer microspheres,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020,59,9282–9287.

4)Zhang Q, Mao S, Li W, Huang Q, Feng S,Hong Z,Lin JM*,Microfluidic adhesion analysis of single glioma cells for evaluating the effect of drugs, Sci. China. Chem., 2020,63, 865–870.

5)Wu Z, Zheng Y,Lin L*, Mao S,Li Z,Lin JM*,Controllable synthesis of multi-compartmental particles from 3D Microfluidics,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2020,59, 2225-2229.

6)Mao S, Zhang W, Huang Q, Khan M, Li H, Uchiyama K, Lin JM *. In situ scatheless cell detachment reveals connections between adhesion strength and viability at single-cell resolution,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2018, 57, 236-240.

上一篇:梁琼麟 Qionglin LIANG
下一篇:刘洋 Yang LIU

