
Academic team

梁琼麟 Qionglin LIANG

职位 教授,博士生导师 Tel Tel: 86-10-62772263
MAIL Email:liangql@tsinghua.edu.cn

梁琼麟Qionglin LIANG



Tel: 86-10-62772263


2000、2005年于清华大学化学系先后获得学士和博士学位,2005年留校任教,历任讲师、副教授、教授,2021年获聘长江学者特聘教授。研究方向为生命与药物分析,聚焦于器官类器官芯片、多组学分析及其在生物医学与药学中的应用。近年来在器官芯片核心关键技术及血管、肝、肾、肠等器官芯片模型研究方面取得重要进展,以第一发明人申请并获授权发明专利10余项,以通讯作者在本领域重要期刊Nat. Protoc.,Adv. Mater., Anal.Chem., Lab Chip等重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文100余篇,Web of Science中总引用5000余次,合著专著4部,曾合作获得国家科技进步二等奖3项。兼任中国医药生物技术协会药物分析分会秘书长,中国分析测试协会青委会副主任委员,北京理化分析测试技术学会副理事长兼青委会理事长等。

ProfessorQionglin Liang got his Sc.B (2000) andPh.D(2005) atDepartment of Chemistry,TsinghuaUniversity, and then served hereas assistant professor, associate professor andfullprofessorsequentially. Hisresearch interests focused on bio/pharm-inspired analytical science, such asorgan on a chip, multi-omics analysis and their application in biomedicine and pharmacology.He holds over 10 patents and haspublished over 100 peer-reviewed papersas the corresponding authorwith over5000 citationsinWeb of Science,co-authored 4 research monographsandsharedtriceof NationalPrize (2ndrank) forScience and Technology Advancement. He has been elected as Secretary-General of Chinese Association of Pharmaceutical Analysis Technology,Chair of the Committee of Young Scientists of Beijing Physical & Chemistry Testing Technology Society,andVice Chair of the Committee of Young Scientists of China Association of Instrumental Analysis (CAIA).

Selected Recent Publications

1.Xie RX, Liang Z, Ai YJ, Zheng WC, Xiong JL, Xu PD, Liu YP, Ding MY, Gao JY, Wang Jiaping, andLiang QL*. Composable microfluidic spinning platforms for facile production of biomimetic perfusable hydrogel microtubes.Nature Protocols2021, 16(2),937–964

2.Xie RX, Korolj A, Liu C, Song X, Lu R, Zhang BY, Ramachandran A,Liang QL*,Radisic M*. h-FIBER: Microfluidic topographical hollow fiber for studies of glomerular filtration barrier.ACS Central Science2020, 6(6), 903-912

3.Xie RX, Xu PD, Liu YP, Li LL, Luo GA, Ding MY andLiang QL*. Necklace-Like Microfibers with Variable Knots and Perfusable Channels Fabricated by an Oil-Free Microfluidic Spinning Process.Advanced Materials,2018, 30, 1705082.

4.Zhang F, Xiong LG, Ai YJ, Liang Z andLiang QL*. Stretchable Multi-responsive Hydrogel with Actuatable, Shape memory and Self-healing Properties.Advanced Science,2018, 5, 1800450.

5.Xu PD, Xie RX, Liu YP, Li LL, Luo GA, Ding MY andLiang QL*. Bioinspired Microfibers with Embedded Perfusable Helical Channels.Advanced Materials,2017, 29, 1701664.

上一篇:李景虹 Jinghong LI
下一篇:林金明 Jin-Ming LIN

