
Academic team

丁明玉 Mingyu DING

职位 教授,博士生导师 Tel Tel: 86-10-62797087
MAIL E-mail:dingmy@tsinghua.edu.cn

丁明玉Mingyu DING


Tel: 86-10-62797087



Mingyu Dingearned hisB.S. (1983)andM.S. (1986)from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Geoscience University of China (Wuhan). He obtained the Ph.D.(1995) degree from the Department of Biotechnology, Yamanashi University in Japan. He joined the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University aspostdoctoral training at 1995 and as Associate Professorfrom 1997, and was employed asProfessor from 2009. He is interested in chromatographic analysis and separation materials.


1.Wang JD,Guan HY, Liang QL,Ding MY*. Construction of copper (II) affinity- DTPA functionalized magnetic composite for efficient adsorption and specific separation of bovine hemoglobin from bovine serum [J]. Composites Part B, 2020, 198:108248.

2.Han Q, Aydan T, Yang L, Zhang XQ, Liang QL*,DingMY*. In-syringe solid-phase extraction for on-site sampling of pyrethroids in environmental water samples,Anal.Chim.Acta,2018, 1009:48-55

3.Han Q, Yang L, Liang QL*,Ding MY*, Three-dimensional hierarchical porous graphene aerogel for efficient adsorption and preconcentration of chemical warfare agents.Carbon, 2017, 122: 556-563

4.Sun X, Zhang XQ, Han Q, Wan W,Ding MY*. Preparation and retention mechanism exploration of mesostructured cellular foam silica as stationary phase for high performance liquid chromatography.Talanta, 2016, 149, 187-193.

5.Wan W, Han Q, Zhang XQ, Xie YM, Sun JP,Ding MY*, Selective enrichment of proteins for MALDI-TOF/MS analysis based on molecular imprinting,Chem.Commun.,2015, 51, 3541-3544.

下一篇:何 彦 Yan HE

