
Academic team

童爱军 Aijun TONG

职位 教授,博士生导师 Tel Tel: 86-10-62787682
MAIL Emial:tongaj@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


童爱军  Aijun TONG


Tel: 86-10-62787682

Email: tongaj@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

1983年7月毕业于新疆大学化学系,获学士学位。1985年3月-1986年1月在东北师范大学留日预备校学习日语,1986年7月公派赴日本留学,1989年3月、1992年3月先后获日本东京明星大学化学系硕士和博士学位。1992年4月起在清华大学化学系先后任讲师、副教授,2003年12月起任教授。研究方向为发展荧光分析新方法,研究生物成像和疾病诊疗的应用,阐明重大疾病在单细胞水平的诱发机制。在本领域重要期刊包括JACS, Chem Comm, Anal Chem, Chem Eur J, Org Lett等发表论文100余篇。主讲面向本科生的《分析化学》、《仪器分析》课程。

Dr. Aijun Tong earned her B.S. (1983) in Chemistry from Xinjiang University, China, M.S. (1989) and Ph.D (1992) in Analytical Chemistry from Meisei University, Tokyo, Japan. She joined the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University as a Lecturer from 1992, and then promoted to Associate Professor (1996) and Professor (2003). Her current research directions include the development of novel fluorescence analytical methods for bioimaging, diagnosis and therapy of diseases, as well as their mechanisms in single cell level. Her work has resulted in over 100 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. She gives lectures on “Analytical Chemistry” and “Instrumental Analysis” for undergraduated students of chemistry, chemical engineering, and related majors.


1.Xiaokun Zheng, Wenbo Wu, Yue Zheng, Yiwen Ding, Yu Xiang, Bin Liu*,Aijun Tong*, Organic Nanoparticles with Persistent Luminescence for In Vivo Afterglow Imaging-Guided Photodynamic Therapy,Chem. Eur. J.,2021, doi.org/10.1002/chem.202100406

2.Yue Zheng, Yiwen Ding, Jiajun Ren, Yu Xiang, Zhigang Shuai*,Aijun Tong*, Simultaneously and Selectively Imaging a Cytoplasm Membrane and Mitochondria Using a Dual-Colored Aggregation-Induced Emission Probe,Anal. Chem., 2020, 92, 14494-14500.

3.Lu Peng, Shidang Xu, Xiaokun Zheng, Xiamin Cheng, Ruoyu Zhang, Jie Liu, Bin Liu*,Aijun Tong*, Rational Design of a Red-Emissive Fluorophore with AIE and ESIPT Characteristics and Its Application in Light-up Sensing of Esterase,Anal. Chem., 2017, 89, 3162-3168.

4.Yue Zheng, Xiaokun Zheng, Lu Peng, Yu Xiang,Aijun Tong*, Photoactivatable Aggregation-Induced Emission of Triphenylmethanol,Chem. Comm., 2017, 53, 11130-11133.

5.Kai Li, Yu Xiang, Xiaoyan Wang, Ji Li, Rongrong Hu,Aijun Tong*, Ben Zhong Tang*, Reversible Photochromic System Based on Rhodamine B Salicylaldehyde Hydrazone Metal Complex,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 1643-1649.

上一篇:刘洋 Yang LIU
下一篇:瑕瑜 Yu XIA

